Our SDGs

Our SDGs

SANYU REC's SDGs Strategy aims for a sustainable future through a systematic process from departmental assessment to vision formulation.

SANYU REC's SDGs Strategy places sustainability at the core of corporate strategy, unfolding through a four-phase systematic process. Initially, we inventory department-specific items and conduct external and internal environmental analyses to create a longlist of issues to address in the future, evaluating these based on importance, priority, and impact. Next, we narrow down to a shortlist, considering alignment with management policies and the impact on the environment, economy, and society. From this shortlist, we select the most critical themes for the organization and identify them as materialities. At this stage, we set guidelines for future initiatives and ultimately formulate the organization's sustainability vision from these analyses. This process aims to set a direction for the organization to achieve economic growth while fulfilling its social and environmental responsibilities.

Sustainability Vision 2030
the Future with the Power of Mixing

The technology of SANYU REC, which creates products by mixing various raw materials with different properties.
Like SANYU REC's resin products harmonized by mixing, we create the future by harmonizing with various stakeholders.

Sustainability Vision 2030 "Creating the Future with the Power of Mixing" shows the company's commitment to addressing complex external environmental issues and aiming for a sustainable society. Facing challenges such as global economic slowdown, inflation, technological advancements, widespread adoption of EVs and IoT, climate change, carbon neutrality, and SDGs initiatives, as well as emphasizing human capital and diversity, and work reform, we aim for management that contributes to society and the environment.

In financial capital, with a solid management state of 10.0% operating profit and 86.4% equity ratio, we are able to respond to risks while enabling new investments and challenges. In manufacturing capital, 45% of capital investments are allocated to creating new value, using 65 patented technologies to enhance technological provision both domestically and internationally. In intellectual capital, these patents and technologies are utilized to drive innovation. In human capital, with 187 employees and their 24 different qualifications, we focus on the development and utilization of specialized personnel. As social relationship capital, leveraging the extensive network of the SANYU Group, we provide services that meet customer needs.

The four pillars of materiality are coexistence with the natural environment, co-creation innovation, employee engagement, and contribution to local communities. In coexistence with the natural environment, we strive to develop environmentally friendly products, promote resource and energy conservation, and expand the use of renewable energy. In co-creation innovation, we deepen partnerships focusing on improving product quality and safety, and contributing to a smart society. In employee engagement, we aim to enhance individual capabilities and happiness by creating an attractive workplace environment, diversifying talent, and promoting health management. In contribution to local communities, through CSR activities, we actively contribute to building a sustainable society.

Through these initiatives, "Creating the Future with the Power of Mixing" goes beyond mere corporate activities, aiming for positive impacts on society and the environment and pursuing sustainable growth. This capability not only adapts to external environmental challenges faced by the corporation but also turns these challenges into opportunities to create new value, demonstrating the true worth of our management resources. Through a deep commitment to sustainability, we are taking responsible steps towards the future.

Materiality Definition Value Provided

Coexistence with the Natural Environment

Focused efforts on climate change and carbon neutrality

  • Contribution to the environment
  • Providing environmentally considerate products and services
  • Production through resource and energy conservation and high efficiency
  • Proper management of chemicals
  • Expansion of renewable energy use

Co-creation Innovation

Focused efforts to deliver SANYU REC's value to society through "co-creation" and "partnership"

  • Building cooperative relationships that explore broad possibilities and deeply understand partners
  • Promoting environmental contribution projects
  • Improving product quality
  • Ensuring the quality and safety of chemicals and products
  • Contributing to a smart society

Employee Engagement

Focused efforts to enhance employee engagement by focusing on each individual

  • Realizing an attractive workplace
  • Enhancing personnel capabilities
  • Promoting health management
  • Diversifying talent (diversity)
  • Investing in the supply chain

Contribution to Local Communities

Focused efforts to contribute to a socially responsible community in Takatsuki City, where SANYU REC is based

  • Building cooperative relationships that explore broad possibilities and deeply understand partners
  • CSR activities in Takatsuki City
  • Contributing to society

SANYU REC's SDGs Committee's drive and cross-departmental approach to a sustainable future

SANYU REC's SDGs Committee's drive and cross-departmental approach to a sustainable future

SANYU REC's SDGs promotion strategy is supported by strong leadership from the management and a cooperative system within the company. The SDGs Committee, comprising management meeting members and general employees, forms its core, providing a foundation for various working teams to implement activities aligned with specific goals. The committee plays a role in making decisions that require reporting to the management meeting, thus deeply involving management in SDGs policies and activities. The chairperson is elected from general employees and prioritizes SDGs initiatives and resource allocation under strong coordination with management.

The working teams are specialized teams tasked with formulating and implementing practical action plans for each SDGs goal. These teams are primarily composed of department heads and are required to approach from an organization-wide perspective. For instance, the "Coexistence with Nature" team emphasizes the balance between environmental considerations and corporate activities, exploring strategies for sustainable business operations. The "Co-creation Innovation" team seeks creative and technical solutions, promoting innovation beyond the boundaries of administrative and operational departments.

The "Employee Engagement" team focuses on improving employee satisfaction and the workplace environment, while the "Contribution to Local Communities" team strives to strengthen relationships with the local community to fulfill the company's social responsibilities. Additionally, the "Inner Branding" and "Outer Branding" teams visualize the company's SDGs efforts both internally and externally, aiming to enhance brand value.

Thus, SANYU REC has established a system to promote SDGs initiatives in cooperation between the management and employees. Through the activities of each team, SANYU REC aims to achieve true growth and social contribution as a corporation by continually creating social and environmental value, aiming for sustainable development.