Promise for contribution
Contributing to the Local Community

SANYU REC's Community Contributions

Our social contribution activity
SANYU REC's Community Contributions

Sanyu Rec Hall Reflecting the Culture of Takatsuki

Sanyu Rec Hall Reflecting the Culture of Takatsuki

SANYU REC has acquired the naming rights to the main studio at Takatsuki Castle Park Arts and Culture Theater. We hope this will become a new focal point for the region's culture and arts. The acquisition of these naming rights under a long-term ten-year contract is motivated by a desire to contribute to enriching the lives of each citizen and revitalizing the local community's artistic activities and expressions.

SANYU REC's Service: Donation of an Ambulance to Takatsuki City

SANYU REC's Service: Donation of an Ambulance to Takatsuki City

In May 2019, motivated by a desire to contribute to the local community, SANYU REC donated an ambulance to Takatsuki City, aiming to enhance emergency medical services. This act is seen not just as a charitable effort but as a part of the most crucial social contribution—saving lives. It has directly contributed to the safety and health of citizens by improving rapid response and life-saving activities in emergencies.

SANYU REC's Annual Group Blood Donation

SANYU REC's Annual Group Blood Donation

Starting in 2022, SANYU REC initiated a special event to demonstrate its dedication to society. Once a year, we organize a group blood donation day, inviting a blood donation bus to our company premises. This event not only facilitates participation in a life-saving act but also serves as an opportunity to share the significant value of contributing to society.

SANYU REC's Contributions to Local Events

SANYU REC's Contributions to Local Events

To enhance the sense of unity and vitality within the community, SANYU REC actively sponsors and participates in local events, including the Takatsuki Marathon and Takatsuki JAZZ Street. Supporting these events enriches the local sports and cultural festivals, deepens the bonds among residents, and also serves as a venue for employees to cultivate a sense of contribution and engagement with the local community.